North Carolina
American, Jewish, Southern, Moredcai: Constructing Identities to 1865
Mordecai: An Early American Family
Constructing Jewish Identity in a Southern Community
Whisper My Name
Kristallnacht and North Carolina: Reporting on Nazi Antisemitism in Black and White
"'Hebrews in Favor of the South': Jews, Race, and the North Carolina State Convention of 1861-1862"
"The Arrival of a Provocateur: Responses to William Dudley Pelley in Asheville, 1930-1934"
The Lonely Days Were Sundays
The Provincials: A Personal History of Jews in the South
A Home in Shalom'ville: The History of Asheville's Jewish Community
Divided Loyalties in 1861: The Decision of Major Alfred Mordecai
Alfred Mordecai, American Jew
The Warrenton Female Academy of Jacob Mordecai, 1809-1818
Roots, Barks, Berries and Jews: The Herb Trade in Gilded-Age North Carolina
The Right Time: An Autobiography
The Jewish People of North Carolina
Jewish Roots in the Carolinas: A Pattern of American Philo-Semitism
Frank Porter Graham, Isaac Hall Manning and the Jewish Quota at the University of North Carolina Medical School
Mordecai's Female Academy
Carolina Israelite: How Harry Golden Made Us Care about Jews, the South and Civil Rights
Jacob Henry's Speech, 1809
Jewish Identity in the Reconstruction South: Ambivalence and Adaptation
Jews at the Cape Fear Coast
The Jews of North Carolina Prior to 1800
You Can't Coach Height: Growing up Tall, Jewish, and Free in the Mountains of WNC
The Education of the Heart: The Correspondence of Rachel Mordecai Lazarus and Maria Edgeworth
Diary of a Tar Heel Confederate Soldier
Recollections: Conversations about House of Jacob, Raleigh, North Carolina
"Edward Loewenstein's Midcentury Architectural Innovation in North Carolina
Notice of Jacob Mordecai, Founder and Proprietor from 1809-1818 of the Warrenton Female Seminary
The Life of Alfred Mordecai as Related by Himself
The Collectors - Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta Cone
"Matisse's Cosmopolitans in the New South: The Cone Sisters Collect Modern Art"
Gertrude Weil: Jewish Progressive in the New South
A Tale of Two Cities: Race, Riots, and Religion in New Bern and Wilmington, North Carolina, 1898
Down Home: Jewish Life in North Carolina
Homelands: Southern Jewish Identity in Durham and Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Harry Golden, New Yorker: I Love NC
Synagogue and Jewish Church: A Congregational History of North Carolina
Jewish Proletarians in the New South: The Durham Cigarette Rollers
Further Light on Jacob Henry
The Past is Never Dead: A Gritz Goldberg Mystery
Harry Golden's Rhetoric
The Jews of Charlotte, North Carolina: A Chronicle with Commentary and Conjecture
The Journalistic Civil Rights Advocacy of Harry Golden and the Carolina Israelite
"What Oath (if any) did Jacob Henry take in 1809?: Deconstructing the Historical Myths"
"A Religious Test In America?: The 1809 Motion to Vacate Jacob Henry's North Carolina State Legislative Seat - A Re-Evaluation of the Primary Sources,"
A Jewish Life on Three Continents: The Memoir of Menachem Mendel Frieden
"Black Mountain and Brandeis: Two Experiments in Higher Education"
Two Cities in North Carolina: A Comparative Study of Jews in the Upper Class